It Will Blow Your Mind

Cool Mindz is a place that allows you to open up to the possibility of transforming something in your life. It could be a creative block, a break-down of a relationship or friendship, work issues, difficulties with moving forward or a deep underlying fear that is holding you back. 

In today’s society we are dealing with many complex themes and my desire is to gently interrogate these, so you can find the best way forward for yourself that is not only beneficial to you, but also helpful to those around you, in your family and in your community. 

My goal in working with children is to bring them into a greater awareness of themselves, to help them grow their own ideas and empower them to be confident, mindful and compassionate towards those around them as well as themselves. 

The tools I offer in the sessions bring in fresh ideas of how to cope and how to overcome the negative beliefs they may have about themselves which will free them up, so they can focus on learning, growing and having more fun. 

I am reluctant to put myself into a category that defines me as one thing. In my career as an Actress, we become used to the idea of being pigeon-holed, but I don’t prescribe to this kind of thinking for myself or for others. I have a number of skills and methods that I will be sharing, which I have had success with in my own life. 

You can see me as a mentor, transformation teacher or coach, but for the purposes of making it simple, I have chosen the title of Transformation Coach.

I approach each session from a place of curiosity, playfulness and spontaneity, so things can unfold organically, guided by what is essential in the moment and what you have highlighted as your primary focus. I make use of affirmations and visualizations to align you with the goals and visions you have for your life, and active listening is a primary focus for me as your coach, so I’m able to help you plan the road ahead.

Meditation has been a part of my own healing for the past 17 years, and is very much included into the structure of Cool Mindz, so if this is something that is of interest to you, I am happy to share some ideas on how you can find more stillness in your life.

The ideas and concepts that I work with are universal and applicable to everyone, no matter your age or background. There are many techniques and tools you’ll be learning. The art of doodling features strongly in our sessions and is something that will be constant throughout your healing journey, so get ready to unleash your creativity.

I have written a blog titled, A Doodle a Day, about how doodling came into play with Cool Mindz and recommend you read it so you can have a good background as to how creativity plays an important part in the world of health and healing.

There are a number of ways that you could choose to engage with Cool Mindz. Please have a look at the Coaching Options for more details.